Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy Bday - Karaoke Style!!

Although not necessarily routine, my colleagues organized a big celebration for my birthday. They insisted on taking me out, they got me lots of nice pink presents...and we ended the night in....a Karaoke bar!! Of course, I knew of the somewhat cliche idea of the Japanese love of karaoke bars. I despise the thought of singing in public, and have only gone to watch other people back in the States. In spite of my reluctance, I was persuaded into going (the wine with dinner made my persuasion a bit easier) with the group.
Upon entering the bar, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the bar was completely different than the ones I'd been to in the States. Unlike the big room with one performer on center stage, the bar had a number of small soundproof rooms with their own little systems and booth. So, instead of facing a roomful of curious strangers, I would only have to embarrass myself in front of small group of my much better!! We sang a long in a group to a variety of hits both Japanese (I couldn't really follow along) and American (some even I didn't recognize). Soon, soothed by the encouragement and support of my new friends, even I took the mike and belted out a Britney classic..."Baby Hit Me One More Time." A night to remember...