Saturday, September 27, 2008

Excuse Me, I have to use the restroom....

The toilets here are downright luxurious. It sounds silly to say, but 99% of the ones I've seen are equipped with the works - a seat warmer, a bidet and a number of other options to enligten your experience. At the airport, at work, at hotels...they're all over the place. I'd enjoyed and appreciated them for a few weeks...until a trip to the rural area of Mei, located about an hour away from Tokyo. I was there to speak with a global recruit working there at auto factory. About halfway through the interview, I asked to be excused to the restroom. I was led to an outdoors trailer like building, and gasped when I opened the door. This was my first time seeing the traditional Japanese toilet, and it was shockingly different from those I described before. I tried to limit my reaction - I certainly didn't want to come across as the rude American....but it was certainly interesting, that's for sure.
A few days later, at a train station on my way to the American military base, I encountered my second traditional toilet. What's most interesting about them, to me, is that in both instances both styles of toilets are in the same bathroom, it's merely a question of which door you open...and I suppose, your preference. This time, I went for it...with my camera and all....tradition comes alive!!

1 comment:

niki said... least there is some pink in it :) if it's gonna look like that i guess it can't hurt that at least it has a little cute color :)