Monday, December 8, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Kangaroos?

I mentioned on an earlier post that my co-worker and I took a driving trip to see Mt Fuji a few weekends ago. In addition to seeing the famous Mt. Fuji, we also took some time out to enjoy a safari located really close by. I'm a little scared of animals, to be perfectly honest, but for the last few years or so I've expressed an interest in going to the zoo. As silly as this seems, I could never find anyone to go with and it was never a huge I just didn't do it. But, the idea of a safari was super exciting to me and I was super excited to see Mt Fuji and a safari all in one day trip. The safari didn't disappoint, and I was excited to see the animals so close up. As we drove by in our rental, we got to see the animals up close and personal and all with the snow covered top of Mt Fuji in the near distance. Highly recommended trip!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just saying hello. Hope that you continue blogging. I like hearing about Americans' (particularly Black Americans') experiences in Japan. I'll be in Tokyo next month and I'm super excited!