Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I realize that most of my pictures are me...and that sometimes it's hard to tell if this blog is really about living and working in Tokyo or just a bunch of pictures of me. I know, and I'm ashamed. I bought a new camera since coming out here, and almost everyday I bring it with me and vow to take more pictures of other people or things...this blog is quickly taking on the mode of a personal scrapbook.
I work in a great place, with great people. They are all so open and patient with me...in spite of my ignorance and inability to communicate in Japanese. In spite of my attempts and language lessons, I am barely mastered some routine greetings and a few interesting words and phrases that I try to throw out whenever I can.
Last weekend, one of my colleagues invited me to his home to participate in a very personal and cultural event in Japan. I took a train ride and met up with him and his family at a local shrine to celebrate his twins' third birthday in the Shichi-Go-San ceremony. The twins wore elaborate clothes (kimono for the girl, darling little suit for the boy) and even greeted me in English..."Hello, how are you doing?." It seems that even toddlers around here are more bilingual than me...sigh. After our greeting, we all went in the shrine and listened to some chants and prayers in traditional Japanese and the children were given sweets as a reminder of their day. My synopsis is a bit short, so if you're looking for information about the event and it's importance in Japanese culture...check it out at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shichi-Go-San.
What an experience!!

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