Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween in Tokyo!!

Yes, Halloween is celebrated in Tokyo. Of course, it's not as widely celebrated as it is in the US but some of my Japanese friends have told me that it seems to be increasing in popularity on a yearly basis. To be honest, I've never been a big Halloween fan, I haven't dressed up since I was a very small child...and even then I gave away over half of my treats collected from trick or treating because I've always hated chocolate. In spite of my ambivalence, I have been trying to do things that I normally don't in Japan...so I went with two friends from work to party in Roppongi...the infamous part of town dominated by wild foreigners. There...I witnessed tons of foreigners and Japanese young adults in costume, drinking and dancing to Michael Jackson's "Thriller." In spite of big plans, all I could muster was a small mask that conveniently fit in my purse....haha. Fun times!!

1 comment:

Mom said...

You are the only other family member that did Halloween this year. Peyton was in a Nemo costume and had a ball. I'll have to send pix