Monday, February 23, 2009

Sexual Harrassment in Tokyo

Let me begin by saying that based on my experiences, Tokyo is an astonishingly safe city. The crime I hear being reported is extremely rare, and compared to the US, is practically non-existent. I've never felt unsafe or concerned about my safety, in spite of walking around by myself at all times of the day or night. In preparation for assignment, I was warned of the possibility of being harassed or touched inappropriately, especially in crowded commuter trains. To combat that phenomenon, I have noticed "women only" cars on certain trains, regulated at certain times. Fortunately, I have not experienced any such incidents. I have had a few questionable remarks directed my way, but nothing that I wouldn't experience in the US, or any other country for that matter. In fact, this interesting sign has been the closest I've been to any real sexual harassment!!

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