Monday, February 16, 2009

Welcome to Akihabara: Electric Town

One of the first things that people ask about when they hear that I'm in Japan is the electronics. They want to know about all the deals and cool gadgets that I've found here...and I generally don't have much to say on the topic. This is for two main reasons. One, the few times that I've ventured over to an electronics store to buy something, I've noticed that the prices weren't any cheaper than the ones I can find in the U.S. and online. I'm a bargain hunter first and foremost, so in spite of Japan's reputation, I wasn't overly impressed. The second reason is probably most important, I'm not technically all. I'm always the last to buy the new gadgets, I don't care to have the most updated cell phone, and I'm not certain of the specs of my digital pink camera. But, for those who are interested...I'd suggest a trip to Akihabara. This area of Tokyo is famous for electronic and computer goods...lots of speciality stores and opportunities for to explore, for those who are so inclined...

See more about Akihabara at:

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